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December 30, 2011 – It is beautiful – By Carol

Posted by on December 30, 2011

We have recently been free enough to start enjoying our evenings and we are noticing the remarkable way the day departs so kindly, gracefully into night.  It seems it is our reward for making it through the daytime baking sun.

Another view

Another View

The sky turns all sorts of different colors,that are not often seen in America, every single night.  The brilliant colors turn an arid looking scrub dessert into a thing of true beauty.

Molepolole Sky at the end of our road


Outside our front door - the entrance to the school

It is fun to take walks with the chickens, donkeys, and cows that are always roaming around.   We try to be outside and enjoy the close of the day each day since we took notice.

A Mr. B look alike?


John like to stop and talk to the donkeys at night


Biggest Rooster in the Hood

Biggest Rooster in the Hood

The mountains around here are sort of different.  I wouldn’t exactly call them mountains, but we aren’t living on the plains either.  We are glad we don’t live in this house.

The rocks look like they will fall any minute

The rocks look like they will fall any minute


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