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July 30, 2012 – Missing you!!! – by Carol

Posted by on August 9, 2012

While I am loving the Peace Corps, Africa and all the cute good little kids:

Jony Coloring

Jony coloring at the table




Jony trying to put a puzzle from Pat and Susan together - we call this Life Skills

Jony trying to put a puzzle from Pat and Susan together – we call this Life Skills

Praise is my counterparts cute cute daughter.  She is coloring a Barbie book

Praise is my counterparts cute cute daughter. She is coloring a Barbie book











Star Wars Movie night with all six boys that live next door.  We had popcorn too.

Star Wars Movie night with all six boys that live next door. We had popcorn too.











Metsi (means water) and Praise.

Metsi (means water) and Praise.  Notice Praise loves fashion and always has a hat.

The boys and I baked a carrot pineapple cake - our best yet!!!
The boys and I baked a carrot pineapple cake – our best yet!!!










John made them line up by size and ask "May I please have a piece of cake?" and then say "Thank you" before they could dig in.

John made them line up by size and ask “May I please have a piece of cake?” and then say “Thank you” before they could dig in.


I am missing my family, friends, America, movie theatres, hair salons, 8 lane highways, a vehicle to drive, beef with fat in it, real cheese, skepticism, direct frankness,  general courtesy (as expressed in America),  the computer age, Subway, Pizza, the El, TV,  data that means something, grass,  alone time, baseball and apple pie.

Please do me the biggest favour and email me one or two pictures of you, your family and/or something in awesome in America.  I will enjoy it now and put it on our always running screen saver and maybe feel a little more in touch with the good ol days!

(You can blow the pictures up and see how cute the kids are if you go directly to the web site and double-click the pictures).


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