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19-Apr-2012 A box from my dad. By JM

Posted by on April 19, 2012

So the post office called us and said there were two boxes and we needed to come pick them up right away!  This was just days after having received 8 boxes on one day!  5 from my sister Marlaina (thank you so much!) and 3 boxes of Carols’ winter clothes from Carol’s mom (thank you so much too!), which was just a week after having received 2 boxes from Carol’s Dad and Karyl, who send us boxes all the time!   We are eternally grateful to all of you (just too many to name!) who have sent us boxes!




(except that Jackwagon, Louie Hernandez).





That day of the 8 boxes, the Post Office called me hysterical.  They could not accommodate the room and I was to IMMEDIATELY come pick up these boxes!   They are so paranoid that we might leave the boxes there, in their small little Post Office.  How little they reasoned through this….

So I took a taxi to the Post Office to pick up my two boxes and greeted my friend Bashi behind the counter.  Carol and I are very famous at the Post Office thanks to all of you who are supporting our Wish List!    He said “you have sunglasses in your box!”.    I immediately suspected that the box my dad had sent me 4 months ago and was assumed MIA, had finally arrived and that perhaps it had been damaged so they had opened it and checked the contents.  Nope.   It was just the regular 4 months late box.  No big deal.  My dad had written “sunglasses” on the outside for customs and that’s why Bashi had known to say that.  Since my dad had told me 4 months ago he was sending a small box and there were several pairs of cool sunglasses in there, I took a chance before I opened the box and told Bashi he could have a pair.  His face lit up like a kid in a candy store. But when I opened the box and handed him a fresh pair of very cool looking, tinted, safety sunglasses, not only was he overjoyed,  but all of a sudden there were 5 Post Office employees at the counter (where there had only been one before to wait on the all day long-hour long line of customers!)    The others turned green with a fun kind of envy as they all milled and stewed over this new pair of glasses!  I was afraid they might all ask for glasses, but fortunately they just laughed and giggled and looked so proud just to know the guy who got the glasses!

I knew it would be fun and easy to give those things away to people and it was especially nice to end the wondering about what had happened to that overdue box.  Thanks dad!

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