Peace Corps
December 25, 2011 – Merry Christmas from Molepolole! – by Carol and John
John is getting ready for Christmas Eve with some fun movies on our couch made from two bed mattresses, a great meal, and enjoying some homemade ginger juice, which was a very nice Christmas gift from our neighbor! (It tasted much better than our first attempt at making this traditional drink). We are hoping to … Continue reading
December 20, 2011 – A Good Weekend; by Carol
We had a nice weekend. We had the opportunity to sit in our back yard and watch the sun set: and this Lindu and Precious came over and made Christmas cards with the crafts sent by my mom and my dad And the obligatory posed picture: Our host family invited us back … Continue reading
Posting 16-Dec-2011 Update wish list. Again! – by John
WOW! We thought Christmas was gonna be quite quiet and simple this year, but as of today’s first trip to the local Post Office, looks like it will be a bit more exciting! Exciting to the tune of rich macaroni and cheese, smoked oysters, real M&Ms, Christmas decorations including a miniature Christmas Tree, new shirts, … Continue reading
December 12, 2011 – Maps and phone and Cooking – oh my! – by Carol
Now I know where they are: Tiro/John made me the coolest map ever. I have not been able to find a good map of Botswana. I still don’t have a good grasp on the regions and/or where my new PCV/friends live. John stayed up late one night and drew the map below. He included all … Continue reading
New Post – Updated WISH LIST!
We just updated our wish list on this blog. If you are looking for ideas of what would be helpful for us, please consider these items! Thanks again for all your support and especiallly to those of you who have already sent us some packages! (Rick & Karyl, Eve and JR, Joyce and Bill, Aaron, Pat & … Continue reading
I accomplished something good today! – by Carol December 7, 2011
When we left training we were told to immediately into the community. For example, we were to go to the Police station, social services, HIV/AIDS clinics, the local school, and the village Kgosi (Chief) and find out what they do and how we can work with them ASAP. We are to draw a community map, … Continue reading
Post 18 October 2011
Huge Bummer! Somehow this post was missed! Not sure why, but it was sitting in a Drafts folder for almost two months! This is very disturbing to us, but we are publishing it anyway. It is entirely anti-climactic, but we want it recorded here for our own memories, so know before you read it, … Continue reading
December 2, 2011 – New Observations while in Africa – by Carol
Livers & gizzards in Africa don’t taste like in America. They really taste like animal innards. Children can be useful and helpful Everybody does need at least a drill, screwdriver and hammer to live Clothe dry much faster in dry heat Roosters really do crow at the literal crack of dawn The wheel was … Continue reading
New Post – Combined Posts
Please Note: This Post is Long, since we have not been able to be on the internet or upload pictures for a long time. We may often have to combine several weeks of posts into one post because we have limited access to the internet. There are 5 posts in one. The 5 … Continue reading
The End of Training and New Starts – by Carol (Note there is a new post before this one too!)
Counterparts/Supervisors and jobs: Last week we met our Botswana counterparts or supervisors. A “counterpart” is a Motswana person who is assigned to do the same job as a PCV is assigned to do. The counterpart is responsible for introducing us to persons in the community/job, helping us adjust to the culture, acclimating to the work … Continue reading